Investing resources

Want to learn more about investing? We've got a ton of helpful resources, including a glossary, answers to common questions, and insightful articles from the experts at the Schwab Center for Financial Research.
Investing glossary
Discover definitions and explanations for more than 100 common investing terms.
Investing FAQs
Get answers to some of the most important investing questions: When to invest, how much to invest, how the stock market works, and more.
Additional reading
Does market timing work?
Timing the market perfectly is nearly impossible. Discover the potential long-term benefits of investing immediately versus waiting, while exploring other strategies like dollar-cost averaging.
Tax-efficient investing: Why is it important?
Learn about potential tax impacts, and explore strategies to make your portfolio more tax-efficient so you can hold onto more of your returns.
The 7 principles of investing: Fundamental for success
By following some key principles of investing, you can potentially earn more over time, help protect yourself against significant losses, and stay focused on your plan.
What happens to my equity compensation if I leave the company?
Find out what can happen with your vested and unvested equity after you leave a job, as well as the rules around exercising your stock options.
Managing your equity compensation in a down market
Read about strategies to consider when managing your equity when the market turns volatile.
Understanding rule 10b5-1 plans
Find out how a 10b5-1 plan can help you avoid insider trading allegations while also providing a consistent investing process to help you stay diversified and working toward your financial goals.
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